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Stanford Consumer Innovation Symposium

미국에 진출할 야심찬 컨수머 스타트업들을 소개합니다!

Event Details:

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


GS Yeoksam Tower
508 Nonhyeon-ro
25th Auditorium
South Korea

주영철 연구원 Youngchul Joo

This event is open to:

General Public

요즘 미국에서 한국 음식과 한국 제품에 대한 관심이 뜨겁다는 사실, 알고 계셨나요? 

누구나 가슴 뛸 만 한 세계 최대의 컨수머 시장, 미국 진출에 도전해 볼 야심찬 스타트업들을 찾습니다! 

스탠포드 이노베이션 & 디자인 연구센터 (Stanford Center for Innovation and Design Research, SCIDR - '사이더') 에서 적극 지원해드립니다. 

선정된 스타트업들은 9/3일 컨수머 이노베이션 심포지엄에서 제품 데모를 선보이고 미국에 미리 진출한 멘토들의 피드백을 받을 수 있습니다. 

If you can make it in Silicon Valley, you can make it anywhere!

(본 행사의 RSVP는 마감되었습니다.) 



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

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    Startup Intro and Networking

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    SCIDR Team & Consumer Week Introduction

    Soh Kim

    Executive Director, SCIDR

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    Korean Consumer Goods Trends in the US

    JaeKwon Son

    Founder & CEO, The Miilk

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    Rise of Asian Consumer Brands in the US

    Namiko Kajiwara

    Founder and CEO, Seasons of Life

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    From Baby Shark to Business Shark

    Ryan Lee

    Co-founder, The Pinkfong Company

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    Networking Break

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    Unveiling the Needs of Generation Z in the US

    Summer Jung

    Postdoctoral Researcher, SCIDR

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    Consumer Startup Pitch Session

    Food & Beauty consumer startups leading the new waves of consumer trends in Korea and USA: 

    다름 Dahrum (Brand: Vertty) | Vegan beauty brand targeting GenZ

    이코니크 Iconique | Protein bar made with clean ingredients

    멜릭서 Melixir | Vegan beauty inspired by nature 

    로가 Rawga | Vegan collagen

    오니스트 Ownist | Edible beauty 

    뉴룩 Newlook | Low-carb K-seltzer (Makgeolli) 

    달롤 DALROLL | Gluten-free bakery 

    에이슬립 Asleep | Sleep tracking technology 

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    What's Happening in the US?

    Special guest 

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    Reception + Startup Booths + Author's Corner

    • Reception: Light refreshments and beverages will be provided. 
    • Startup Booths: The startup finalists will host interactive booths, allowing guests to experience their products firsthand.
    • Author's Corner: We are showcasing the following books written by the speakers of the event: 
    1. Disruptors 파괴자들 by Jaekwon Son

    2. CES 2024 by Jaekwon Son and more

    3. 디자인 씽킹 대체 뭔데? by Summer Jung

    4. 팬덤파워 Fandom Power by 최원준


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